Seeing Adults as Babies

Many of the world’s issues, particularly poor mental health, would be corrected greatly if people took the same understanding approach most take towards babies and transferred that to adults. Meaning this – Most don’t get agitated when a baby throws food on the ground because babies are LEARNING. In their stage of development, they are not finished products.

Parents should definitely condemn wrong behavior from children, but looking down on the child doesn’t do any good. Yet, when adults do “bad” behavior, too often other adults label the person and not the behavior as “bad”. What if adults looked at other adults from an understanding lens? What if we all recognized that the person in front of you – regardless of their sins or not – was once a newborn baby & that spirit is still inside? There would be a whole lot more empathy, understanding, & progress in the world.

One thought on “Seeing Adults as Babies

  1. yes everyone was a baby and often hurt deeply along the way…but those who hold onto that hurt grow to hurt others…sad

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