Raising an Ace: To Be Tough

Those people who live purposefully and strive to become the best version of themselves daily typically have gritty characteristics such as perseverance, strength, resilience, and overall toughness. In our next installment of the Raising an Ace series, we wrap up all of those traits and discuss how we anticipate raising Ace to have high levels of mental toughness. Checkout the video:

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Raising an Ace: To Be Smart

You’re so smart. What does that mean? Or when one commits to being as smart as they can, what does that look like? In our next video in the Raising an Ace series, Mariam and I discuss these questions specifically in the context of raising our little boy Ace. The content is deep and comprehensive, sort of like parenting itself. So for those watching, enter with an open mindset prepared to internally reflect & digest the information.

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