32 in 32: 💯 Vision

People seek 20/20 vision understandably – to see the world outside of themselves. But the real goal should be to obtain 💯 vision – to see clearly inside of yourself. Looking at your actions and even thoughts objectively is challenging because there’s natural bias towards yourself that you must overcome. On the surface, it may even seem contradictory to be so confident in yourself, while at the same time remaining humble enough to recognize your growth/change potential. But it’s not. The self-development journey not only includes but emphasizes looking at yourself with clear vision. And unlike looking at a solar eclipse, there’s no long-term negative side effects of staring too long – just positive effects of wisdom and growth.

Everyone wants to find their truth in life and what they were meant to do/be, but at the same time few desire to be honest with themselves. To be direct, a lot of people are full of s*** in terms of telling themselves what they know deep down to be untrue – about the work it takes to accomplish goals for example. The issue is that most people lack the 💯 vision to even recognize the thoughts “deep down” inside themselves. Their clarity sucks. To get rid of the contrast of truth inside of yourself, you must work to flush the BS away. It’s even recommended to carry a plunger to make sure it goes down all the way. ? Though there is truth in Ernest Holmes’ quote, “Life is a mirror and will reflect to the thinker what [s]he thinks into it,” it’s more about life reflecting your actions. Because if you think one thing and do another, life reflects the doing. So next time you look in a mirror – look in your mirror inside of yourself and not the mirror on the wall. And stare long enough to uncover your truth.

Brandon Carter (09:38) – “You need to be going all out, top speed, 100%, storm the castle, kick in the door, two guns up, shoot everything that moves. Do not f*** this up – when I mean this, I mean life … “

RB Inspired