32 in 32: Rebirth On Command

To be born at birth, you need parents to conceive you & you gotta’ wait 9 long months to come into the world. To be born again however, all you need is yourself & the mindset to start where you stand … Imagine that you lost all memory. Tough circumstances of course, but you would be unconditioned to everything – past habits, your previous self, etc. Re-shaping Satchel Paige’s famous quote, who would you be if you didn’t know who you were? You would be free to start anew. Saying So Be It to your past and moving onwards is up to each individual. With practice, you can become a new person in minutes. In a pre-game talk, Ray Lewis once told fellow athletes (01:38), “Every day is a new day! Every moment is a new moment! So now you gotta’ go out there and show them that I’m a different creature NOW! than I was five minutes ago.” He didn’t say 5 months or even 5 hours for a reason. As I wrote about before, Ray Lewis has mindset control to get pissed off and change into a different person on command. Developing the mindset control to be engulfed by the present moment will break you loose from old negative habits and thought-processes. No more being “stuck in your ways” because you create your present way. You can re-create everything about yourself following rebirth and that’s powerful. 

Ralph Waldo Emerson – “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”

Les Brown (00:56) – “I refuse to die an unlived life. If you die this very moment, what will die with you? What dreams, what ideas, what talents, what leadership potential, what greatness did you show up to bring? That you allowed fear of procrastination to hold you back. Only to realize that you’ve never lived. Only to realize that you’ve never scraped the surface of your potential … “

MM Inspired