
You were born with the breath of life,

Perhaps call it permanent empowerment if you must.

So unless your heart gets pierced by a knife,

You won’t retreat back to dust.


Though take note sometimes your breath may stink,

But it’s important to own the odor.

Not blame every dish in the kitchen sink,

But actually figure out the reason and be the decoder.


Your scent may diminish due to what you do or think,

Or even just from luck or an uncontrollable circumstance.

Still, the ruler of your future is not some shrink,

So blow into the world and shake off any trance.


Do not unleash fumes that will intoxicate rooms,

But instead emit mists of authenticity.

Sweep negativity out like you got all the brooms,

And be your greatest self no matter the publicity.


We were all born as kings and queens,

So honor the breath you were given.

No matter the present bling or genes,

Find your inner crown and get on liven.