Drive Destruction

David Goggins on his 1st 100 mile race (20:12) – “I was so driven and I’m not gonna’ say motivated because motivation is crap. Motivation comes and goes. When you’re driven, whatever’s in front of you will get destroyed.”

Mastering certain mindsets previously discussed such as completion commitment, real pride, and self-discipline unlocks a powerful drive. It should be used to relentlessly chase after goals because once one’s drive is built sufficiently, challenges can be driven through. Whether it’s in a physical sense, the way David Goggins pushed through severe pain/injuries to complete his first ultra-marathon, or in a mental sense the way a student overcomes distractions/excuses to prepare for and ace a test – obstacles often crumble when one’s drive is heightened. That is the positive destruction one shall seek.

However, with great power should come great care. Though Michael Jordan once advised to “focus like a laser, not a flashlight”, that is only true in specific moments during a day – not 24/7. Opening up one’s vision is crucial to analyze the effects of one’s drive or actions, as well as necessary to avoid inner and outer burnout. Lasers blind people; flashlights don’t. It is a tricky task to balance the idea of paying no mind to negative obstacles, while at the same time being attentive to negative effects of one’s motor. But one’s drive can lead to negative or self-destruction if this awareness is lacking. Like when driving a car, you can’t solely have tunnel vision on getting to your destination. There are pedestrians to watch out for and certain guidelines/laws to follow. In the same way people desire licenses to drive a car, people should consciously put effort into acquiring their mental license to maximize their inner drive potential and master control over destruction created. The roads out here surely need more capable drivers. 

Inky Johnson – “You’re so ambitious you’re gonna’ get blinded by your own ambition … Be careful when you’re reaching for the stars that everybody you love don’t get burned up by the heat. Because the worst thing in the world for an individual to become is a public success but behind closed doors they’re a private failure.”

2 thoughts on “Drive Destruction

  1. Having never been an athlete, I can very well relate to the driving idea.

    The goal of getting there, especially if you’re running late, is a way that often takes the focus off of ‘how’ we get there.

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