How to Reduce Racism In The World

Racism is simple to define in theory, but complicated to define in reality, difficult to spot in practice and also complex to productively reduce in individuals and society. Through my 10 part video series on racism, I hope to provide meaningful perspectives on several areas of the discussion including framing the current dialogue around racism & race-related issues, the pros/cons of noticing race, outlining what it means to be racist, how to uncover your own biases, how to not be racist toward your own race, how to overcome racism, how to talk to a racist, how to empower a racist to become more open-minded, the complicated aspects of systemic racism, and a straight-to-the-point list of 101 ways to reduce racism – which is the video above.

This series is not for everyone, and it shouldn’t be. There are dozens of major challenges the world faces and providing an in depth analysis of each one and actively reducing the impact of each one in reality is not practical for a person due to finite time. So if you prefer to dive into other societal topics rather than racism, no shame. But for those who are passionate about the subject, genuinely want to hear perspectives on the topic, and/or want to actively take part in the fight against racism – then I encourage you to either watch this series or at the very least, truly reflect on your own how to reduce racism and address race-related challenges. Don’t rely on someone else to do the reflection for you because there are too many misguided conversations going around, unauthentic leaders, and negative messaging out there currently on the topic – So please, think for yourself & do the necessary inner dialogue work. So we as humanity can tackle racism for good, once & for all.