Personify Greatness Indefinitely

Inky Johnson at 12:36 tells a story: Prior to giving a speech to a college football team, someone throws a gatorade bottle on the floor in the hallway leading to the locker room. Inky watches as no player picks it up; Inky does instead and uses it as a prop when talking with the team. He says – “I just posed the question to them – ‘Y’all said you were great, right? Y’all said you were beasts right? Y’all won the conference champion right … I said, ‘How are you gonna’ be great, how are you gonna’ be excellent if you can’t even pick up a gatorade bottle?’ I said, ‘It’s not who you are. Like you can talk about it, but it’s not your essence. It’s not your core because when something is a person’s core, they approach every facet and every phase of it like – this is me, this a representation of who I am in my lineage. Like everything that I touch, I just firmly believe it’s supposed to be made better as a result of my presence.“

Greatness is a state of being & has no on/off switch. A person who personifies greatness consistently has real pride in everything she does and recognizes that all things matter – every moment is a a test of one’s greatness. As Inky Johnson alludes to in the above video segment, a person or group can not proclaim greatness in one area without being great in all areas. It is so fake to act great, but when a situation is directly in front of you to show it, you don’t and opt to weaken instead. Do not be a sheep and expect another person or group to take care of a specific situation. Avoid the wasted energy determining who’s responsible or at fault, and step up yourself. Understand that among the masses, mediocrity is prevalent and greatness is rare. Therefore, be on the lookout for potential opportunities for impact and call upon yourself as necessary. Personify greatness indefinitely.

Inky Johnson talking to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (10:19) – “I asked a cat two weeks ago – I said, ‘Man, do you think it’s possible that you can be a great football player but you can suck as a father?’ … I said it’s impossible. He said, ‘How so?’ I said, ‘You take the same mindset. The same mindset you approach ball with is going to be the same mindset when one day you get trusted with something that’s a lot greater than you.’”