Warning: Press the Right Chill Button

Being chill can either make you or break you.

In previous posts, I touched on developing inner peace, being grounded internally, and never being mad – That’s a form of chillness in mind. Think of Barack and Michelle Obama. No matter what, the Obamas never lose their composure. They are always thinking clearly, never rattled by adversity or external tension & as a result are able to self-develop themselves to the fullest.

But there’s another kind of chill you’ve got to be very careful to not activate – Chillness in action. That’s called laziness & symptoms include not pushing yourself through self-imposed grind & being hesitant to face challenges. This chill is self-destructive, latches onto you tightly (hard to break), and allows the weakest version of yourself to come out. Avoid it.

So you’re in control. Both buttons are in sight – Which one are you gonna’ press?

One thought on “Warning: Press the Right Chill Button

  1. I really enjoyed reading this. As I’m stupid reflecting on my chillness, I’m reminded that I need to tweak my self care to manage my increasing responsibilities. There’s no time to chill!

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