Where Do Your Fears Come From?

* The above is a tiny clip from a skit on my See Humor channel. Checkout the Full Video HERE

Think about where your fears originated from. Were they from:

  • Your own experiences
  • Your own perspective
  • Your parent
  • The news
  • Social media
  • A friend or peer

Fears are not always bad. If someone has a genuine fear created from one’s own brain, then internally validate it inside of you. Perhaps it is a logical fear or illogical one – No matter what, you have to validate it before overcoming it. Some fears can be positive, such as the fear of being a failure which can push someone to work hard to NOT be a failure and then succeed. Or a fear can help keep you away from an actual danger. Then there are the illogical fears in your mind that really serve no purpose, and it is in your best purpose to overcome them – even if they originated in your mind.

Reflect on the idea that the most frustrating and destructive fears are the fears whose source are not from YOU – But instead from an outside source. These fears should be recognized and then ideally destroyed as fast as possible! They serve no purpose, as they are not actually your genuine fears to begin with. Parents sometimes use their own adversities and fears to create fears in their children – Such a tragedy. And the news can often instill fears in your head that did not exist before. Then, the news and people can play 2-faced and act as your ally to support you in overcoming this fear that they placed on you in the first place!

The point is to recognize ALL fears that did not originate from your own perspective – And take note if you adopted this fear out of a logical interpretation of information presented or if you are the prisoner of the fear creator. Most often you’ll see you are being held hostage by the fear. My word of advice is this:

Break free.