32 in 32: Time To Rise

One of the key foundational mindsets to develop is to trust that your future will be greater than your present situation. Many people see the light, but they give up before they get there or see it as an illusion. One must rise into a higher place internally before reaching new opportunity and dreams in life. To quote Henry David Thoreau, one must go confidently in the direction of their dreams & not hesitate due to any current darkness. In fact, the darkness or adversity is often the weapon that will propel one to the light. It’s about using your darkness, not letting it use you. Control Your Pain. Do that, and see where it takes you.

“My dreams don’t live down there …You’re great King; you’re great. “

– KF Inspired

One thought on “32 in 32: Time To Rise

  1. I like this post.

    “Until we face the shadow, address the truth of how darkness is playing out in our lives, we condemn ourselves to bring creatures of impulsive evasion, repression, and reactivity.
    -James Jesso

    I found light in an area of my life 2 months ago, I view my future and oneself differently. Well said.

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