Raising an Ace – To Be Mindful

How many seconds in a given minute or hour during a day are you NOT focusing on the present moment? Think about that. And if you’re not, is it worth it? Think more on that, and checkout our next Raising an Ace video where we discuss mindfulness:

Mindfulness vs. Open-mindedness (00:54 sec) Offer Perspective Strategically (01:22) Allow Room for Reflection (01:55) Encourage Problem-solving (02:24) Power of Meditation (02:56) Seek Answers Within First (03:30) Appreciate Nature’s Beauty (04:06) Listen to People (04:26) Consciousness of Experiences (04:40) Hear Your Children (05:05) Acknowledge Multitasking (05:20) Present Moment = Reality (05:32) Pullout the Past Judiciously (06:00) Onto The Next One (06:14) Don’t Let Guard Down (06:45) ReBirth on Command (07:02) Learn from the Past (07:20) Preparation Aids Mindfulness (07:50) Don’t Be Pathetic (08:20) Break Vision Into Steps (08:34) Know What’s Important (08:52) Inspire Self-Accountability (09:18) Own Your Time Management (09:50) Control Your Breath (10:38) Your Body is a Temple (11:10) Mindfulness of Receiving Energies (11:40) See the Entire Road (12:10) Tunnel Vision Has Consequences (12:55) Have Worldly Perspectives (13:30) Prioritize Your World First (13:46) Mindfulness of Greatness (14:16)

There are 86,400 seconds in a day. Minus some time for sleep, and you’re left with around 60,000. A person who is mindful understands the necessity to cherish those seconds and prioritize living presently, unless the past or future are reflected on for a positive purpose. Too often, people waste seconds, minutes, and in most cases hours each day focusing on things that do not contribute to fulfillment, purpose, and greatness at all. It may be complaining about XYZ person; it may be dwelling on a past achievement and therefore, neglecting the grind to a current one; it can be contemplating a future event and therefore, not cherishing a present event; it could be wasting energy on unproductive thought; etc. etc. Noone is perfect, but it’s important to recognize that a person who is NOT living in each moment is not living at all. And if someone only lives and thinks presently 50% of the time, he or she is essentially living half a life. And leaving all of that potential on the table. No parent wants a child to live that way. That’s why it’s important for Mariam and I to raise Ace to be mindful of every moment in life, and then assert his lens of focus confidently and intentionally. We hope our video and perspectives inspire you & the people you care about to do the same.

Peace, Love, & Mindfulness!